Summer is such an important time for our ministry. It’s a time that we rest, rejuvenate, and prepare. We prepare for new students, a new theme at Dinner and a Message, new Ministry Assistants and Graduate Assistants, new student leaders, new retreats, and new ministerial needs. Preparation is crucial for the continued growth of our ministry. If we didn’t make time to prepare the ground, then nothing would be able to grow! We’d be using last year's depleted soil. That’s why we use the summer as a time to rest, plan, pray, and fundraise! And so, all of us on staff are excited to invite you to help us prepare for next year by praying and giving toward this year’s Summer Fundraiser: Cultivate! In the past, we’ve fundraised for specific things like the front porch and the cottage. However, ministry-wide growth requires cultivation in a lot of different areas. It takes a lot of steps and consists of a lot of different variables. That’s why this year we’re raising money for several different needs, needs which - if met - will help us grow! Our overall goal is $25,000, and we've listed the breakdown of costs below.
We believe this money will help us cultivate the ground for a year of great spiritual growth at CCF. We need your help! All of you have blown us away with your giving the past few years, from our Floor Us fundraiser, to Pump it Up, to the $100K cottage fundraiser three years ago. We couldn’t make CCF a home away from home for students without your tremendous generosity. Will you help us again with this huge undertaking?

Any amount of money will help us reach our goal, whether it is $25, $50, $100, $250, or more. If 25 people gave $1,000, we’d reach our goal immediately! You can help us by making one time donations (planting seeds) or by beginning or increasing a monthly donation (watering). Both will help us reach our overall goal, but monthly donations are most helpful, as they’ll help us cultivate growth for year's to come! If you chose to “water” through a monthly gift, we will count the entire years worth of giving towards our goal! Your giving options are listed at the bottom of this page. Also, we’d appreciate as much prayer as we can get throughout this entire process! Our fundraiser ends on July 31st, so get your donations in before then. Thanks everyone! We love you all.
- The CCF Staff
We've Made Giving Simple!
You have three options. Use the left button to give online through PayPal, please send CCF an email (office.ugaccf@gmail.com) or text a staff member to let us know your donation is for our fundraiser, as PayPal doesn't include a memo line. You can also send cash or check to CCF (see instructions below) or you can scan the QR code on the right to give through our Venmo or find us @ugaccf. Please put "Floor Us" in the Venmo memo line!

Send Cash or Check to CCF
Write a check to CCF with “Cultivate” in the memo line and send it to P.O. Box 609 Athens, GA 30603. You can also drop off cash or checks at the CCF house anytime! We'd love to see you!!!